Better Breather's Club-A Support Group for those with Chronic Lung Disease
Better Breather’s Club-A Support Group for those with Chronic Lung Disease
Learn how to live better with COPD, asthma and other lung diseases.
Sponsored by the American Lung Association, Better Breathers Club meetings provide education and support to those with chronic lung disease such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Meetings are FREE and open to anyone interested in learning more about chronic lung disease or breathing disorders. Caregivers and family members are also welcome.
Bring your questions about COPD, asthma and other lung disorders to be discussed and answered by Jim Braley, RRT.
Jim Braley, RRT is a respiratory therapist with more than 40 years experience in various clinical settings. He is currently the Novato Community Hospital manager of respiratory care services and has been a certified American Lung Association Better Breather Group facilitator for six years.
Date: The first Wednesday of every month
September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7
Time: 2:30-3:30 pm
Sutter Health Novato Community Hospital
Medical Offices Building in the Wilkes-Weseman Conference Room
165 Rowland Way Novato, CA 94945
Handicapped parking available.
(415) 209-1300 Hospital main line
For more information about this program, call 1-800-LUNG-USA (1-800-586-4872) or visit
Questions contact: Jim Braley, RRT, 415-209-1535
More than 24 million Americans are estimated to have COPD, and yet only half have been diagnosed. For more information about chronic lung disease, please call the American Lung Association at 1-800-LUNG-USA. You can also speak to a respiratory therapist through the free Lung Help Line. For more information about COPD and resources to help you, visit the lung association website at

Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 6, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM PDT
Sutter Health Novato Community Hospital
Medical Offices Building
Wilkes-Weseman Conference Room
165 Rowland Way Novato, CA 94945
Handicapped parking available.
(415) 209-1300 Hospital main line
Contact Information
Jim Braley 415-209-1535
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