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Petaluma People Services Center

Petaluma People Services Center


Non-Profit, Associations and Organizations

About Us

Petaluma People Services Center (PPSC) is a community based, multi-service non-profit agency founded in 1974 to meet a variety of human needs. Our goal is to reduce poverty, physical and mental abuse, chemical dependence, violence, isolation, and mental illness among children, adults, families and seniors. In 2020, we served over 33,000 of Sonoma and Marin Counties most vulnerable people through our collection of 65 human services programs, most of which are rooted in evidence-based models and have measurable outcomes, in these departments: Youth Programs, Employment, Counseling & Prevention, Senior Services, Housing, and Food Access.

Video Media


PPSC ChalkHeArt Event May 2014
Lunch at the PPSC Senior Cafe Feb. 2014
SEYEC Youth Summer Employment Program August 2013

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Elece Hempel
Executive Director